Saturday 26 October 2013

La fiestas del Pilar AKA The festival of Pilar

The Spanish are big on fiestas, traditions, celebrations, partying and generally enjoying life. The week of 7-13th October were the Fiestas del Pilar/Festival of Pilar.

Gigantes y caberzoros on the Stone Bridge

Rosario de Cristal: Beautiful sights and sounds 

Who is Pilar you may wonder, well...this matter did somewhat confuse me. She is a virgin. So I, somewhat unversed on such catholic matters, assumed there must  be more than the one infamous Virgin Mary and concluded that there's also this Aragonese Virgin queen called Pilar who is found standing on a a column in the Basilica Del Pilar. A beautiful ancient buliding at the heart of Zaragoza. TURNS OUT, it is Mary she's just known as Pliar (along with many women in this city!) in these parts due to her position on the column/pillar!?

The festival was good and gave me a good insight into the Aragonese cultures and traditions: both historic and contemporary (i.e excessive drinking). I wanted to make the most of this time and experience the spectacles on offer. The two main events are La Ofrenda de flores (the flower offering to the virgin) on the saturday and the Cristal de rosario/glass decorations and prayers on the sunday evening.

The Virgin before the flower offering
The virgin after the offering

At school, the week prior to festival was centered around the Virgin and it was a pleasure to see the little ones participate in the activities and enjoy them so much!


Me and the kids sporting our cacerolos (checked neckerchiefs)

Gigantes and Caberzoros: Literal translation: Giants and big heads!

This is a bizarre and funny tradition and one that the children love! The giants and big heads represent people from different histories and cultures. The big heads chase the children with whips, which excites them immensely! It was a funny sight to be seen! Excuse the pictures, forgot my camera this day!


Eating occurred whenever possible and it was all delicious. 

Awesome evening market.

Traditional sweets
Not typically Spanish I know, but this tapa bar: Bula is quickly becoming my fav.
Empanada: quickly becoming my pasty substitute!
Chorros y choclate

Spanish deserts have nothing on British bakes but I can't resist all the same. The Spanish thrive in other culinery areas though and I can see the lbs piling up before my eyes! :p


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